On this pod, Kari and Tony talk about lost days, lost wallets, and getting lost in #the100DayProject. Listen in as Pilgrim Lost embarks on day 1 (April 7th) of 100 days of engaging in a creative practice.
On this pod, Kari and Tony talk about lost days, lost wallets, and getting lost in #the100DayProject. Listen in as Pilgrim Lost embarks on day 1 (April 7th) of 100 days of engaging in a creative practice.
Every spring, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of exploring their creativity through #the100dayproject. Pilgrim Lost is joining in and on this bonus pod, we invite you to come along with us…
This week Kari and Tony talk with the Curator of Awesomeness, artist Scott Erickson (scottericksonart.com). Scott shares his artistic journey, his contribution to the practice of meditation and the illustration of spiritual language. Join us in the artist's studio!
Steep a cup of tea and join the conversation about meditation, the March theme for Pilgrim Lost. In preparation for Scott Erickson's visit on our upcoming March 17 pod, Kari and Tony discuss "meditation…"
Talking with guest Tom Stutzman about labyrinths, linguistics, liminality, and longings. From the Camino to community, Tom is both our companion and counselor on the pilgrim journey.
This week on Pilgrim Lost, Kari and Tony discuss their journeys out of individualism and into an embrace of the dangerous dance called "Community”…
This week on Pilgrim Lost we are joined by the lovely Charlie Rawson, a geographer and choreographer, who hails from across the pond in Bristol, England. Kari and Charlie tell the very magical story of how a Scottish Isle, the Camino and ultimately THE UNIVERSE brought them together to form a deep and lasting friendship…
In this, Pilgrim Lost’s 10th episode, Kari and Tony discuss the distinctions between being ‘nice’ and being ‘kind,’ what ‘words’ they are carrying into the new decade, the magic of blue zones and …
On their last podcast of 2019, Kari and Tony dive into the nice and the naughty of the holidays from a pilgrim point of view…
In this episode, Kari and Tony delve a bit further into the ideas behind minimalism and the ‘weight’ of our possessions. Kari shares about her upcoming art show and how it was birthed as a direct result of her participation in #the100dayproject on Instagram…