A Pilgrim Responds to Ukraine Crisis

And I have a confession to make.

I have fallen once again into that old familiar pit. I have been focusing my psychic energy on pity for the victims on the other side of the world and forgetting that this unimaginable moment might also have something for my tragic soul as well.

So today I asked myself a simple question… What might a Pilgrim do in this tragic moment?

Changed Life?

When returning from an international trip one inevitably gets bombarded with questions such as "What amazing experiences did you have?" and even more challenging, "How did it change your life?" In today’s blog Tony shares how those questions have been surprisingly difficult to answer after his return from Kenya and how past experiences have led him to value the everyday moments rather than the epic ones.

Penance is a Gift

On our last podcast, Kari and Tony discussed the human condition often called “Wanderlust.” Where does it come from? Is it nature or nurture? Does it come from our ego, our hope, or our need for redemption/meaning/acceptance? During the conversation, Tony made the passing comment that one of the things that compel him to wander, like walking the Camino de Santiago, is the concept of PENANCE. In today’s blog, Tony shares how penance can, surprisingly, be a gift.

Out of Deference

Can you imagine a society where everyone looked out for each other... even for a stranger? Where everyone put aside their own agenda for the good of the other? Can you imagine that happening for even a few seconds? What would it take? Well, believe it or not, it happens every day... and Tony was reminded of that last night.

Living in the In-Between

On today’s blog, Kari reflects on the insight and perspective she gained reading Suleika Jaouad's memoir “Between two Kingdoms.” Suleika’s four-year pilgrimage fighting Leukemia and her recovery journey after surviving teaches us that we can paralyze ourselves when we look at life through a binary of whole or broken. and that healing and forward movement can come when we learn how to live in the space in-between.

Practicing “Life in Hopeful Motion”

When we first decided to create Pilgrim Lost and wanted to express exactly what this community would be about, we settled quickly and easily on the phrase: “Life in Hopeful Motion.” In today’s blog, Tony shares how he has been continuing to reimagine how his Hopeful Motion might be expressed - from his morning practice of ‘Greeting the Sun’ to choosing to be more aware of the intention others can see as he fights to overcome suspicion of the ‘other.’

Best Friends

Finding out someone you love has experienced tremendous abuse is heartbreaking. For the first time in her almost 40 year friendship with our most recent podcast guest, Jill Riley, Kari writes about sitting with this emotional cocktail of regret, anger, sadness, and deep grief.

Friendship Happens

In today’s blog, Tony offers some more insight around the important and timely topic of peacemaking. He specifically addresses the essence of friendship and invites us to offer the open door found in the language of journey, exploration and curiosity, while seeking common ground with others not in ideas, but in affection.

Growing Old

In today’s blog, Tony has an epiphany about getting ‘unstuck’ through an encounter with one woman and her basketball. In these hard winter days, he reminds us, regardless of our age, how much we all need to find ways to play.

Creative Pilgrimage Revisted

Last week’s podcast about inspiration and the creative process was so chock full of goodness that we needed to revisit what we gleaned from Grammy-Award winning musician Sam Martin. In today’s blog, Tony highlights the 8 creative practices Sam shared that will help you stay on your own creative journey and avoid burnout.